Monticello Main Street and the City of Monticello have teamed up for the past 19 years to offer Facade Improvement Matching Grants to Monticello businesses. To date, there have been over $1.1 million of improvement to building facades due to this program. Starting in 2021 however, we worked with the City of Monticello to help them develop the Building Improvement Grant program!
Monticello Main Street offers design assistance, while the City of Monticello administers and provides the funding. The purpose of the grants is to stimulate efforts to improve the structures in Monticello's commercial and business facades located in the historic downtown and beyond.
There is a $10,000 reimbursement of 50% of the approved eligible project costs per grant. The funding each year varies based on the Business District retail tax revenue. There are two application times per year: December 1-15th with a decision made in January and project completion by June 30th and June 1-15th with a decision made in July and project completion by November 30th.
1. Improve and reduce the blighting conditions within the District.
2. Facilitate the repair, renovation, rehabilitation, and restoration of deteriorated structures.
3. Provide assistance in facilitating the highest level of public safety to the community.
4. Enhance the sales tax base of the District through small business retention and recruitment.
5. Enhance the property tax base of the District by encouraging redevelopment and investment.
To Learn More, View the Application, View Criteria - CLICK HERE!